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Business Stories

Overcoming common challenges faced by SaaS entrepreneurs

So you've decided to take the plunge into the exciting world of SaaS entrepreneurship, huh?

hand pointing at colourful ribbons with Salable branding

5 Monetisation strategies in SaaS development

The SaaS (Software as a Service) revolution is shaping how businesses operate and thrive. But let’s face it , creating stellar software is only half the battle...

Jyoti Jaswani
9 July 2024

Exploring the evolving world of SaaS: opportunities for today’s app creators

The SaaS world is booming big time, fuelled by everyone jumping onto the digital bandwagon and figuring out remote ways to get stuff done. This growth spurt...

Jyoti Jaswani
17 May 2024

Streamline your SaaS: why Salable is the game-changer for app developers

In today’s fast-paced digital world where every second counts towards success or stagnation, having tools that are not only functional but finely tuned for SaaS...

Jyoti Jaswani
3 May 2024

Breaking down barriers in SaaS: build and monetise your app quickly with Salable

Did you know that 'marketplaces' are very specific to the app/software development industry? Go outside of it, and you have a hard time...

Jyoti Jaswani
19 Apr 2024

Staying compliant with Canada's AML regulations

Canada is one of the big players in the global economy. With a marketplace worth around 2 trillion, it's a hotspot for international trade, drawing investors from all...

Jyoti Jaswani
03 April 2024

Overcoming common challenges faced by SaaS entrepreneurs

So you've decided to take the plunge into the exciting world of SaaS entrepreneurship, huh?

Jyoti Jaswani
01 Dec 2023

5 Steps to building a successful business: A quick guide for app creators and SaaS startups

So, you've got a killer app idea or want to start a SaaS startup, huh? That's awesome! But before you dive into the code...

Jyoti Jaswani
6 Sep 2023

Why giving your customers a good cancellation experience is good for your SaaS business

Giving your customer a simple and easy way to cancel their subscription is another way to provide good user experience.

Jyoti Jaswani
05 April 2023

Got a SaaS business? Look after your customers with an easy upgrade option

Allow your customers the flexibility of upgrading and downgrading their subscription if you have a subscription-based business model.

Jyoti Jaswani
29 Mar 2023

What you need to know about selling your app on a marketplace (and an alternative)

If you identify as an ‘app vendor’ (aka a dev who built an app and now sells it), you’re in today's SaaS economy.

Jyoti Jaswani
03 March 2023

Grow your app business with usage-based billing, and Salable

A fixed amount to pay each month allows your customers to budget easily. We also suggested ways you could improve your service further!

Jyoti Jaswani
24 January 2023

Selling subscriptions to your app? Manage your customers on Salable with a Grace Period

Manage your customers on Salable with a Grace makes for a better customer experience

Jyoti Jaswani
01 Feb 2023

Stripe Connect; Why integration benefits the developer, their customer and Salable

It opens up the door for any other monetary transactions like wallets for example…anything that Stripe offers as a service, we can then offer that too...

Jyoti Jaswani
30 Nov 2022

Evaluations in SaaS; how they work, why offer them and what’s it got to do with Stripe?

The past decade working with Multi-Sided Platforms has taught me a thing or two…I’ve been afforded great opportunities to experience the world of the platforms and their

Conor Murphy

Interview with an App Creator (part 2)

Apple is really competitive, you need to spend a lot of money or time to get traction in the App Store. Apple users are used to paying for apps and this is why it’s...

Interview with an App Creator (Part 1)

I wanted to build a habit tracker because I thought it would be an easy application that would take 5 to 6 months to create. My prototype looked like...